We’re going to take a bold stance here on Massively Overpowered and say that sprained ankles are not fun. They’re not fun in Population Zero, either, but some of the strain is being taken off your ankles with today’s patch, which is simultaneously decreasing the chance of receiving a sprain and reducing the duration to 20 minutes. So it’s still not fun, but it’s rarer and it’ll go away faster.
That’s a running theme throughout the patch notes; the changes are minor, but they’re all nods to making life a little bit easier. Hitboxes have been enlarged for resources such as coal and limestone, resources floating in mid-air should be far less common, account progression has had an issue with level 10 fixed, and there are more void samples available in the Red Mosses area. Check out the full rundown to learn more about how things have changed; they’re all smaller changes, but hopefully they’re all for the better. After the game hit early access last week, it encountered some early roadblocks, and it’s still struggling to find a viable population.