The next era of Fallout 76’s history is “still over a month away,” according to Bethesda. However, when Update 20 arrives, it’ll be a momentous event as it’ll start up seasonal progression, public teams, and legendary perks.
In this week’s Inside the Vault report, the studio said that Update 20 is on the test server, but a fix for the vending machine and display case issue should be coming much sooner than the bigger patch.
Bethesda announced that it’s extending the Fasnacht Parade through June 9th (including some additional free goodies in the cash shop) and has a double XP weekend planned for June 4th through June 8th.
Make sure you read Massively OP’s recent interview with Fallout 76’s leads on the game’s “One Wasteland” overhaul, text chat demands, and more!