Phantasy Star Online 2 posts content roadmap and promises more PC platforms


Have you already blasted and slashed your way through all of the content that Phantasy Star Online 2 has to offer? We’re a little dubious that this would be the case, considering that it just launched a couple of weeks ago, but even so, more stuff to do is always welcome!

So get your armor-suited butt into gear and prepare for the next big content update, Episode 4, which is coming to Xbox One and PC this August. According to SEGA, this patch includes “new story missions, urgent quests, the battle arena, crafting, and much more!” Also, there’s a battleship. Don’t sink it, or you’ll win the game.

SEGA posted a content roadmap for the game on the official site. Episodes 4 and 5 are coming in the third quarter this year, followed by Episode 6 in Q4. The level cap is going to steadily increase over time, and the Hero and Phantom classes should be in by the end of the year.

As you’re absorbing that news — and the following trailer — you may be pleased to learn that Phantasy Star Online 2 will come to more unspecified platforms than the lambasted Windows 10 store “soon.”

Click to reveal whole press release
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