- All crabs will now be able to pinch even harder, especially when in close proximity to items manufactured or distributed by the Banana Republic clothing company.
- Crabs will feature two high-speed USB 3.0 ports located on their dorsal surface for high-speed data connections. They cannot be used to charge your phone; instead, please use the wireless charging surface on the crab’s back.
- All crabs come with two specialized “crabtrollers” for playing video games projected on the crab’s eye stalks. (Warning: crabs will pinch you for trying to play these games.)
- The crab mark IV upgrade including rocket packs has been removed due to testing poorly with focus groups.
- Crabs can now fire their claws during boss fights.
- Glowing weak points will now display properly when crab grows to giant size to be a boss fight.
- Forward walking.
- Full backwards compatibility with prior versions of What Are You Playing.
Bonus question: What’s your favorite sort of nut to eat as a snack?
Ben Griggs (@braxwolf): Pretty much the same as last week, continuing down the Greymoor story and fighting for Sparta (or Athens, who knows) in Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey. I’ve also got quite a few boats in World of Warships that are starting to put out some good damage. They may need some attention, too.
My favorite nut to snack on is honey-roasted peanuts. They’re practically a candy, though, so I don’t know if they count!
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): I know I’ll be in Star Wars Galaxies Legends this weekend. Didn’t get enough time in this week and I’m behind on a few projects.
Don’t like nuts generally – but I like peanut butter!
Carlo Lacsina (@UltraMudkipEX): Some friends and I will be running advanced quests on Phantasy Star Online 2 most likely. Levelling starts slowing down around level 53 so it’s becoming a matter of running quests multiple times. I want to see if I can get to level 60 with at least one of my characters this weekend!
Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): The vast majority of my online gaming diet will be taken up with climbing the Umbral Escalation ranks in Dauntless. I really want to fight the Thrax again and again and craft neat stuff from its pieces. In-between that there’s some events happening with my guild in Final Fantasy XIV to attend, and my husband and I are going to try out cross-play in No Man’s Sky.
Just straight-up peanuts are my go-to nut snack. Honey roasted or lightly salted, please. Nothing too fancy or remarkable, honestly.
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): I really need to get some review work done this weekend, but I’ll still find time to get a bit of Final Fantasy XIV in, as is my wont. Also might do a bit in World of Warcraft, although I really wish a lot of the expansion customization options were already in place.
Salted macadamia nuts are delicious, having edged out my previous favorite of some nice roasted cashews.