So it seems like Niantic’s follow-up to Pokemon Go in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite didn’t quite get as warmly received, probably helped by the fact that it was the same game. So Niantic is now working on another new game, and it is… the same game, again, but this time with a different licensed property. Get hyped up for Catan: World Explorers, then. That’s what we’re doing now. Yes, based on the Settlers of Catan board game.
The game mechanics will sound instantly familiar, as you walk around picking up Catan-inspired resources and then using them to pay for building cards which give your faction victory points. And if you can’t find the resources you need nearby, well, it’s time for a road trip, right? Check out the site and feel free to pre-register if this sounds like exactly your particular catnip. Those of you who are already bored with the developer’s prior games, though, will likely abstain.