Torchums — er, sorry, Torchlight III has made good on Tuesday’s plan to release its new endgame content the following Wednesday. Which means it’s out now, in other words. That would have been easier to point out from the off, wouldn’t it? Oh well.
[AL:TL3]As reported previously, the update opens up Fazeer Shah’s Dun-Djinn, a new encounter that promises big shinies for those individuals or parties that take on the challenge. It starts with players being granted a hand of challenges in the form of cards. From these cards, players must select the monsters, elements, and chaotic affixes to take on, with progress being saved only when taking down a boss at regular intervals.
Each level of the Dun-Djinn, as one would expect, escalates in difficulty, while success in the Dun-Djinn rewards Fame, which can be used to purchase goodies like rare and legendary items, fort decorations, and exclusive pets.
We once more hasten to point out that this endgame content will need to be reached for again once the game wipes everything in order to update Relics. For those who want to get a peek in before that, though, now is the time.
source: press release