Star Citizen’s latest video digest is all about breaking stuff up, whether it’s breaking up rocks for materials in the newly revealed Greycat ROC or watching an Idris break up into huge pieces of dead spaceship as it blows apart.
In the first half of the video, we’re introduced to the Greycat ROC, a little ground vehicle that offers players a new mining tool for their rock nibbling operations. It features a mining laser as one would expect, but that same laser can also be swapped over to a collection mode to hoover up discovered ore. It also represents the first of several planned profession-focused ground vehicles. After all, not everyone wants to race into combat. Players can look forward to this new vehicle’s arrival in alpha 3.10.
In the second half of the video, we spend an inordinate amount of time on the creation of explosions, using the death of the Idris frigate as the canvas for destructive art. Simply having the ship go pop doesn’t appear to be enough for CIG, as the video outlines how VFX and systems designers work together to make explosions work, as well as using other tools like a mood board and a timeline of the chain of events that rock through the ship. There’s even a pre-production and actual production stages to making an Idris go kerblooey, apparently. It’s a lot is basically the point.