Once you’ve reached the level cap in Astellia Online, there’s only one option to keep getting stronger, and that’s through ever more impressive outfits. Gear is a little weird when you think about it like that, but the important thing is not thinking about it that much but focusing instead on the game adding the ability to fuse gear to create Tier 3 equipment. The necessary items for doing so are found in Legendary dungeons, so you can’t just fuse yourself a full set of high-end gear just by standing out in the rain.
You can fuse yourself some high-end gear by taking part in the two new Legendary difficulty options for the Temple of Blessings or Sansara Forest, of course. That is also new. There’s also a new event for players to earn rewards and a new SP shop allowing you to directly buy new Astels or Astel card packs if you so desire. The patch arrives on August 25th, so get ready to get a bit stronger though what we assume will be very impressive outfits.