So it became a bit of a running gag in the Massively OP office this week that we became obsessed with August’s EverQuest patch. A few days ago, Daybreak put out a notice that the patch was coming, so we started waiting for it, and soon enough it became an internal meme to burst into the office and yell “ARE THE EQ PATCH NOTES OUT YET?” And of course they weren’t, and our anticipation and hype around the coming notes ratcheted up another notch.
Sometimes we get a little bored and have to amuse ourselves in this line of work, is what I’m saying.
Anyway, the glorious day finally arrived when the patch notes to this fabled update were posted to the forums — and they are amazing. Well, amazing if like a whole bunch of fixes and adjustments to things such as Necromancer DoT effects, misspellings, and game crash triggers. Hey, don’t knock it; an improved game is a more enjoyable game all around!