Sure, you can get from player town to player town by using wagons, boats, or singposts, but apparently very soon players of Shroud of the Avatar will be able to get around the old fashioned way: with mounts.
A sneak peek at this new feature from developer Catnip Games’ Twitter account shows an early build of mounts that asks the question of whether players should not be able to enter doorways or pass through low branches while on horseback. A follow-up tweet also confirms that the aspect ratio of the upload was unintentional and that the sweet backflip animation when mounting or dismounting is likely not going to stay.
Judging from some reactions from a subreddit of former players, the addition of mounts seems like a pretty low priority desire, and the reveal further brings to light Catnip Games’ apparent move to using Twitter and streams for reveals and other development updates instead of the official forums. In any event, you can see the test footage of mounts in action in the embedded tweet below.
What do you guys think? If you're on a mount, should you just not be able to get through door ways or under low branches or should it auto dismount you? Auto dismount might be more convenient in some cases but removes the direct control from the player. Thoughts? pic.twitter.com/eGaa0ANVZH
— Shroud of the Avatar (@catnipgames) August 23, 2020