WASD: Move
Mouse: Move camera
Shift: Move slowly
Ctrl: Move quickly
Space Bar: Jump
Left Click: Cry like an idiot
Right Click: Swat
F1: Summon Drone
Number keys 1-0: Suggest actions to drone
F2-F10: Command drone to act in a way that is not optional but reduces your affection level with drone
F11: Direct workflow of drone
F12: Cry like a bigger idiot
Home/End: Yaw
Page Up/Page Down: Orient satellite
Enter: Refuse call to adventure
Slapping palm down on home row: Tell the call to adventure you’ll think about it.
Arrow keys: Answer What Are You Playing
R: Activate Multi-Thruster Mode
G: Cast equipped spell
H: Muse aloud why you have no equipped spell and where you can get one.
Backspace: Not used
Bonus question: What colors of clothing do you wear most often?
Ben Griggs (@braxwolf): I’m grinding more coal in World of Warships, getting dangerously close to being able to buy another premium battleship: The Tier 9 USS Georgia. I’ve also been playing through the story mode of Red Dead Redemption 2, and might try to pop into the online mode now that Rockstar has fixed the flickering screen issue that’s been present since July.
Colors? Anything boring and bland. Greys, blacks, navy blue. Picture a dad, and then….that’s it, just picture a dad.
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Definitely gonna be doing some Star Wars Galaxies Legends this weekend. Not sure what else just yet. Something’s gonna catch me sooner or later. I’m also gonna pull out Halloween decorations. Too soon? Don’t care, doing it anyway!
I’ve been trying to play to the colors that actually look good on me more in the last few years, usually muted mauves, plums, olives, greys, navy, and even boring beige. But I love a good hot orchid pink, and I wear yellow even though I look weird in it because I love it and it makes me happy.
Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): Continued character building, playing, demolishing, and repeating the prior three steps until I find a City of Heroes Homecoming character that sticks (which is a lot more fun than it sounds, but then I’m odd). I also want to dig back in to Citadel: Forged with Fire, play a bunch of Satisfactory, and dive into the Terra Escalation of Dauntless.
I haven’t really paid much attention to the colors I wear, if I’m honest, but I do tend to lean towards cooler colors like blues and purples. Mostly my clothing choices run no deeper than “This will make me not naked.”
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Aside from Final Fantasy XIV I don’t actually have much planned this weekend. It’s kind of wide open. Maybe spend some time dallying? Maybe just reading.
Most of my wardrobe tends toward cooler earth tones, with dark blues, darker greens, and gentle browns. Since green is unabashedly my favorite color, this probably does not come as any sort of major surprise.
Mia DeSanzo (@neschria): I will be playing Rimworld a bit. I finally have a permadeath Naked Brutality game going well. (“Naked Brutality” is a scenario where you start with one naked colonist and nothing else.) I also have a backlog of MMORPGs to get into (and write about), so I will dive into that Saturday night. Otherwise, it will be all the usual domestic stuff, and maybe catching up on sleep.
I wear a lot of black and grey. I am branching out into wearing jeans and pink stuff lately, but black and grey are my go-to wardrobe choices.
Sam Kash (@thesamkash): I think I’ll be playing more Spellbreak. I’m still smashing through a bunch of metroidvania games too; I should be able to beat Hollow Knight this weekend. If I do I should be able to start up on some of the DLC too.
I usually wear green. I don’t particular like green, but when I look at my clothes hanging probably 40% are some shade of green. I don’t know why.
Tyler Edwards (blog): I have another tabletop playtest scheduled for Sunday (more to break the monotony of quarantine than anything, honestly), and I’m working on finishing the campaign in Iron Harvest 1920. I really enjoy the story in this game. The characters feel very fleshed out and often quite endearing.
Bonus question: I wear black and dark blue almost exclusively. I like keeping it simple.
Patron Pierre: I’m near the end of The Last of Us Part II, with only the conclusion to finish, so probably less than an hour and I’m done with it. This game is a curious mix: I really enjoyed playing it, even if it’s very dark, extremely violent, and not for everyone. I had to take some pauses at some very shocking and shaking moments. The game is split in two big parts; I don’t want to spoil but it’s an excellent structure for a game about revenge. It illustrates perfectly the quote from Confucius: “If you’re about to embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves, your enemy’s and yours.” Each part gives a different point of view on what happened in the game prologue, and having both protagonists’ points of view in a violent conflict is paramount, hence the perfect structure for the game.
However, I found the game disappointing at times because some parts are too long, with very repetitive combats that are not really contributing to the narrative, nor to set up the nerve-racking atmosphere. On the opposite, there are so many parts where Naughty Dog aced it that you can easily forget these flaws. I really enjoyed the voice over and acting,especially from Ashley Johnson and Troy Baker, and as always, they give excellent performances but then arrives Laura Bailey and she’s… mind blowing to say the least: it’s the best voice over and acting performance I have ever seen and heard in a video game, hats off to Laura! I won’t say much more; I don’t want to spoil. I will conclude by saying that I can understand why the game is so controversial, but it’s an excellent game, a must-play.
When I’m finished with this game, I will play Death Stranding on PC. I started playing when it launched on PS4 and really liked the game, but never finished this very long title, and the PC version seems gorgeous. And on the MMO front, Final Fantasy XI is still occupying the rest of my free time.
Bonus question: I like to wear very bright and cheerful colors: red, pink, yellow, orange, green, and a mix of them. I probably was a rainbow in a former life xD.
And you MOP readers? WRUP this weekend? I always enjoy reading your comments here.