I have to admit, the name of the newly launched update for the voxel sandbox Staxel sounds kind of cozy and kitsch, like a bed and breakfast that’s decorated with almost too many cat-shaped porcelain knickknacks and knitwork tea cozies. The reality, of course, is entirely different but should be no less engaging for players.
Hideaway Hollow has a new island with new bugs and fish to catch, portals to some labyrinthine new caves full of hidden treasure, a unique charm, and a new villager to befriend, and a new mystery merchant. The update has also introduced over 70 new pieces of furniture and decorations, over 50 new blocks, new recipes, and new animals to both find out in the wild and rear in a farm.
For those who are eager to see what Hideaway Hollow has to offer, there’s a trailer after the cut. Just don’t expect porcelain or knitted cats.