It’s double the seasonal fun in both Black Desert and Black Desert Mobile as the Halloween season comes to the mobile edition and the spooky festivities continue to roll on for PC players.
We’ll start with mobile, which features GM Spooky visiting in-game locations to hand out seasonal quests for goodies like a Halloween ornament box. GM Spooky’s arrival will only happen during certain times, so players will want to mark their calendars. And even if they can’t make it to these events, there’s still some Halloween-themed mini-puzzles, some daily Halloween quests from another NPC, season two of Path of Glory, and even more Prime Gaming goodies to rake in.
Over on PC, the Halloween festivities are rolling on with a fixed schedule for Nightmare Kzarka and a number of Halloween events taking place in Florin. There’s also been a refresh of the Black Spirit’s Adventure reward roll minigame, and a special event all about getting some unique boosting elixers.
As for the PC version’s update, the patch notes detail additions like the new Mythical Arduanatt dream horse, adjustments to skill add-ons for all classes, and the introduction of a fame system for naval actions; now, attacking other player ships will drop your fame and when it goes below zero, you’re flagged as a pirate and open to PvP attack without activating PvP mode.