Yes, a washing machine is now in Craftopia. We’re sure you’ve all been eager to hear that. This new item allows players to wash enchantments off of items to allow them to be stacked, and its addition is just one part of the crafting sandbox’s latest update.
Of particular note is the addition of a Craft Connector, which can link between a chest and a workbench and be set to automatically craft a specified item so long as the needed materials are in the chest. There’s also some new two-handed swords, a new Repair Hammer that lets players repair placeables and vehicles, some new accessories, and a number of new skills, including one that stops you from dying at least one time when taking otherwise lethal damage and another that lets players find items while swimming.
The update has also addressed a variety of multiplayer bugs, adjusted dragon behavior so they can fly out of water if they fall into it, and some new building items and furnishings as well. The lengthy patch notes provide all of the details.