COVID-19 is such a threat, it’s even causing digital events to be delayed. According to an announcement post from Black Desert, preventative measures that are required to fight back a resurgent pandemic will cause this year’s Calpheon Ball — which was already going digital because of COVID-19 — to be pushed back a week.
The so-called Calphe:ON Ball, which readers will recall will be a cross-platform digital event for PC, console, and mobile, is now set for next Saturday, December 12th. While the devs at Pearl Abyss are apologetic for the delay, they also state that this will grant them an opportunity to polish up the event further. In the meantime, invitations to the event were sent out this past Friday, November 27th, and should be waiting in the Challenges menu, while those who applied to be online audience members for the in-game event itself should be receiving emailed details soon.
In other Black Desert news, the mobile version has released a somewhat meager update, adding a Loria’s Beauty event, a Ramlo’s Lost Crystals event, and some new products to the Pearl Shop.