If you enjoy a good PvP match, it stands to reason that you’ll enjoy a lot of PvP matches even more. Elyon’s newest addition to the Korean version of the game certainly delivers that with its new 300-player faction war system, pitting teams of 150 against one another in what appears to be three 50v50 matches fought to determine factional dominance. Of particular note is the use of gigantic mechs and siege weapons along the way.
The fights are time-limited to weekends and Friday evenings, so you needn’t worry about missing out on major faction wars in the middle of the week and won’t need to reschedule your time to account for them (hopefully). Meanwhile, the game’s English website has been updated with preview content alongside its promise of a 2021 launch, so if you’re an English-speaking player eager to take part in large-scale faction wars, you might just have a little longer to wait.