Black Desert’s PC version is rolling out its April Fools’ day prank early, but given the context and adorableness rating on this one, we don’t think you’ll be sad. “April Mules’ Day” is live today and runs for the next two weeks, allowing Shai characters to literally ride a flying donkey. I mean, I don’t get it at all, but I still want it. The downside is that you really do need to be playing a Shai toon, and you can’t just… fly anywhere you want forever. It’s part of a temporary gliding-centric questline for the event. But hey, the tech is there if the devs want to develop it further.
The rest of the PC patch brings an end to the winter season as promised and opens the Olvia servers for new and returning players. As MOP’s own Carlo explained in his Desert Oasis column last week, the pause in season servers and swap to catch-up servers will hopefully improve retention in the game.
Meanwhile, over in the console edition of the game, players can finally actually play the Sages they rolled last week, as he’s fully live. Plus, Pearl Abyss has added the same Olvia server setup for onboarding new and returning players that PC now has. But let’s be real, nothing beats flying donkeys.