It’s the middle of the week, which means it’s time once again for some new content updates for the PC version Black Desert and for Black Desert Mobile.
We’ll start with the mobile version, which has added a new family-based Constellations activity where characters in a player’s family have to defeat enemies and a final boss around a faded Constellation. Players can receive buffs while doing these encounters based on the number of family characters who are still alive in the exploration, while Constellation encounters offer rewards like Rune Chests, Silver, and Ancient Gold Coins.
Over on the PC version, the newest update has added a plethora of events. Players can go fishing for a Golden Sea Perch worth 10 million Silver; take part in a variety of activities at Mystical Ellie’s Water Festival; rake in a new type of reward for doing Dark Rifts; earn 100% more Life Skill XP during a Hot Time event; and reap some login rewards if they’re brand-new or haven’t been back in at least 30 days. There are also several class adjustments in the patch notes as well.
Finally, Pearl Abyss is bringing BDO to Amazon Prime Gaming members for free from today through May 5th.
“Amazon Prime Gaming members can now play Black Desert on PC for free for a limited time. Prime members can also claim special rewards in both Black Desert Online and Black Desert Console. From April 7 to May 5, anyone with a Prime Gaming account will get a Game Pass making Black Desert Online free for players in North America, Europe and Oceania. New rewards will be available each month, running until June 30. You can log into your Amazon Prime account to claim your copy of Black Desert Online and in-game pet here.”