The other day, MOP’s Carlo posted a pic of Black Desert’s server selection screen, showing a ton of servers flagged “crowded” even at a time in the day when you’d expect the servers to be a bit dead. I kinda miss the days when most MMOs would display that kind of info. Personally, I used to never care whether my server had a lot of people on it; I don’t think that it made much difference back in the day.
But nowadays? I want to be on the highest population server that I can be that still actually lets me log in without sitting in a queue. I’ve gone through enough server merges and dead servers and forced transfers and lost names and lost guilds that I’d rather just pick the big one right off and skip the future nonsense.
And yet, every time someone in Ultima Online suggests closing down the tiny servers and merging their populations into the lively shards, people raise hell. They picked those low-pop servers on purpose and they really don’t want to be with the bulk of players. So they stay.
Do you usually pick low-pop or high-pop servers in MMOs? What’s your rationale?