Truth time: I am not the kind of person who honestly enjoys cutscenes in video games. I really want to be the kind of person who Appreciates The Art and gets immersed in the story, and maybe I can think of a rare few games that actually grabbed me and made me feel something with a cutscenes, but for the most part, I’m a skipper.
I’m far more likely to get involved in player stories. Folks, I’ve shed tears over MMO fanfic and I’m not even kidding. But prefab cutscenes? I’m genuinely sorry, but I just don’t care. I will happily sit there while other people enjoy them, and I especially understand people who want to watch them the first time, but even when I try to watch them, I usually just end up distracted by something else, unless there’s some way to be directly involved in them (I’m thinking of SWTOR). Maybe it’s the medium? If I sit down to play a game, it’s to play a game, not to watch a movie in chunks? And if I sit down to watch a movie, then I’m fine. I don’t know.
Where do you stand on cutscenes in MMOs? Do you watch them? Are you OK with their existence but skip them when you can? Or do you super hate them?