While Blizzard’s all-star character-filled MOBA Heroes of the Storm isn’t shuttered or being completely ignored yet — in fact, there have been a couple of balance adjustments in January and March — the ongoing lack of Blizzard presence on the game has initiated more worry than usual since the collapse of the game’s dev cadence and esports program at the end of 2018.
In one thread, Redditors draw attention to the fact that the winter event is still live halfway through spring by threatening to post a Christmas-themed dad joke every week until it’s removed. Another post puts together a balance pass wishlist until the game gets another update. Still another suggests that the ranked season countdown timer has been stuck on three weeks left for a couple of months, but that has been apparently disproven, with the timer suggesting the next ranked season will start on May 11th.
This apparent spooling down of updates to the MOBA, combined with the departure of senior game designer Adam Jackson in February, only makes a frustrated playerbase even more worried for the game. With that in mind, perhaps this embedded post of a very fluffy cat taking out Diablo will help, even if just a little bit.