The month of June is now upon us, which means that Dual Universe’s May newsletter is available for reading in case anyone missed any features from the space sandbox over the past 31 days. The bulletin leads off with a nod towards the optimizations applied in patch 0.25 while also offering up one player’s 4K 60 FPS footage as an example of how the patch has made things better. Said player, for the record, does detail his machine’s specs in the comments.
The newsletter then moves to revamps to docking and boarding, using the game’s rights management system to determine who can dock or enter a construct and repulsing unauthorized ships with a force field.
Finally, the newsletter offers another round of community creations, including buildings, ships, and guides, with the pinnacle being a 128 meter-long two-person ship build called the Nigelis. The devs felt so strongly about the ship that a video was put together, which you can find below.