Ah, I see what you have your eyes on. No, don’t let yourself give up so quickly, look closer. The container is what’s still holding it together, you see. It’s been through quite a lot over its time here, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t still something ineffable about it, wouldn’t you agree? Look here, you can see the scar running through it to the core, and you can see right here all of the wounds it couldn’t heal. It must have been in agony the whole time, there’s no two ways about it, but it’s still finding a way to keep itself in one piece!
How? I couldn’t tell you. If I had to guess, it was just too stubborn to give up… or maybe it just had too much forward momentum. Maybe it didn’t understand what was happening to it and kept moving forward, one step at a time, telling itself the next step had to offer some kind of release. But don’t worry. I’m sure there’s more pain to be wrung out of it. Nothing this durable can be subjected to this much abuse and stay in one piece if it didn’t have more. Just leave your payment down in What Are You Playing, that’s good.
Bonus question: What do you do to help your mood when you feel demoralized?
Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): Pokemon Go, a little Crowfall, and probably some Monster Hunter Rise. I’ll be a bit distracted by a board game meet up with vaccinated friends.
Well, it used to be working out, but that can be hard with my knee problem, so watching a light movie helps. Like the 1990 Ninja Turtle movie or Mario Bros movie. The first one’s good, the second one’s funny, both are highly quotable to this day.
Ben Griggs (@braxwolf): I’m going to be puttering through Blackwood in The Elder Scrolls Online with my new BFF Mirri and learning the intricacies of tier 10 French destroyer gameplay in my new Marceau (World of Warships).
It may sound cheesy but I lean pretty heavily on friends and family when I’m feeling demoralized.
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): So I kind of fell down a well marked “Albion Online” and they got me for a month of sub. Damn them. That and The Sims 4. And I’ll be poking into Star Wars Galaxies Legends for some factory flips. Got another week or two on my big armorcrafting project, but the hard parts are all done. Now it’s down to just waiting for everything to cook.
For mood-boosting: either junk food or exercise. One of these might be more productive than the other.
Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): Since Dauntless added ways to get Exotics again, I might dip in there to fill out my collection. I also might peek at Swords of Legends Online’s demo, and I’m determined to slowly discover every Cocoon without a guide in Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis.
When I’m feeling demoralized, I tend to retract into a little personal nautilus and not do much of anything beyond stare at videos or play mindless games. Usually, I tend to just want to be left alone.
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Honestly, I’m not totally sure beyond some review work; I’m pretty well caught up in Final Fantasy XIV right now, so my play there is going to be light this weekend at best.
The biggest thing I try to do when demoralized is be good to other people in my life. It doesn’t always work, but it both demonstrates what matters to me for the future, and it lets me channel that feeling of negativity into helping someone else’s day. It’s difficult, to be sure, but it’s my goal.
Sam Kash (@thesamkash): I was playing Monster Sanctuary the past couple of weekends. It’s a very fun Pokemon inspired game. So I might get some more time in there but I have been hankering for a good metroidvania. I’ve also been dragging my feet when it comes back to playing Crowfall. I really want to check it out again but there must be a wipe coming before release and that is always something that gives me pause. But I’m thinking about it!
Bonus: If I’m feeling down I just play some video games! Seriously though, it helps take my mind off everything and I get to wreck some fools! Both IRL fools and NPC fools.
Tyler Edwards (blog): I got suckered into the “three months of Gamepass for $1” deal, so I’m bouncing around between various games there. Tried a bit of Star Wars Squadrons, and I’m planning to check out The Sims 4 just because I’ve actually never played a Sims game before. I’m also planning to check out Dishonored at some point, though I might not get to that this weekend. And outside of Gamepass I have this weird sudden urge to fire up my F2P World of Warcraft account and make a new demon hunter.
Bonus question: I have major depression. I just always feel demoralized.
Pierre, patron: After a few crazy weeks at work (I don’t think I have been so busy before) with very little gaming time, I can start considering playing games again. I decided it would be a good time to go back to Final Fantasy XIV. I’m also playing a little indie JRPG, Edge of Eternity. It’s been developed by a small studio, so it’s not a AAA RPG, just a very typical JRPG, with standard storyline and usual character design. You can feel it’s been made by fans of the genre, and the combat uses an original semi-tactical approach that I find very enjoyable. I can’t really recommend it as it’s quite rough at the edges, but if you like JRPGs, you may like it and it’s refreshing to see such a little indie gem find its place at the feet of the giants like Final Fantasy, Star Ocean, or Persona.
Bonus question: I don’t smoke, I don’t drink alcohol, I don’t do drugs, so, when I feel demoralized, I tend to eat junk comfort food, with lots of sugar and fat within; not a very good way of coping, but hopefully this doesn’t happen too often. And you MOP readers? What are you up to in terms of gaming activities this weekend?