My bagel loves me!
This is incorrect. Bagels are not capable of love. Bagels feel only one emotion: contempt.
My cat loves bagels!
This is correct. Your cat loves bagels. If you do not currently own a cat, purchase one from an animal shelter. There are a variety of cats there which require your love.
What should I do if my bagel gets wet?
Bagels should not be in water. You have a bad problem and you will not get to eat a bagel today.
But I could just get another bagel?
You’d probably just get that one wet, too. That’s what you do. You get bagels wet. How did you get your bagel wet?
There was a problem with my coffee.
You should probably see a professional to address your problems with bagels and coffee. Some common problems with coffee include using too many grounds, using not enough grounds, using pencil shavings instead of grounds, using grounds to assemble a pencil, summoning K’tar-ash of the Thousand Eyes, and trying to use a bagel as a coffee filter.
That was the one! I summoned K’tar-ash!
Well, you’re screwed. Tell us about it in What Are You Playing.
Bonus question: Who’s an old friend who you haven’t talked with in ages but you hope is doing all right? (Names changed, presumably, to protect the innocent.)
Andy McAdams: I will likely be splitting my time between The Elder Scrolls Online – I’m finally playing through the Dark Brotherhood content – and Deep Rock Galactic, which I bought on a suggestion from a friend and finding remarkably fun, way more than I think it has any right to be. I might also jump into World of Warcraft to make sure everything is all buttoned up for my characters ahead of Tuesday and maybe run something with guildie. So a lot of maybes and might dos.
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): I have so much work to do this weekend! I’m seeing my parents next week for the first time since October – October 2019. So we’re cleaning and such. But! I am going to pop into Star Wars Galaxies Legends to do a factory flip and maybe restock my droid vendor, and of course I will be in Albion Online, which has fast become my game of the moment. I’m actually going to finish off the monthly challenge tomorrow, something I have done in an MMO exactly zero times because I normally hate these things. But this one’s lucrative!
My first real MMO buddy – I lost touch with him many years ago. He moved back to the other side of the world, which eventually made it impossible to play with him, and then, yeah, life happened.
Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): This weekend is largely seeing me feed a lot of random gaming cravings that have sprung up out of nowhere, honestly. I’m planning on having a peek back into Star Trek Online to see how things feel there, I kind of want to make a quick return to Magic Legends and see if there’s some improvement, I want to start a little personal project based on Secret World Legends, and I also picked up this game called Tower Unite on the Steam Summer Sale that sounds like a good little fun time (and possibly a fun streamable game).
My best buddy Dan is someone who I have fallen out of contact with. Last time I spoke with him I was living with him, his wife, and their little baby. It’s been years since I’d heard a thing out of him and I hope that he’s doing okay.
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): This weekend is going to be a fair amount of roleplaying and recharging. When I’m spending time in an MMO, it’ll likely be some idle play in Final Fantasy XIV, but I also have a game to review and some other stuff to play, so my time will be split.
My college roommate and I were both really close and really good friends for a while, but as we’ve gotten older and our lives have moved in different directions we’ve fallen out of touch. He’s still a great person and I miss him, but we just live far enough apart and have different enough goals in our lives that it just sort of happened.
Tyler Edwards (blog): I’ve got a D&D session, and I’ve dipped into my backlog to check out Black Mesa, the fan-made Half-Life remaster. I never played the original Half-Life when it was current, so this is all new to me. So far I feel about it roughly the way I feel about Half-Life 2; I like it, but I’m not sure I understand the hype.
Bonus question: My best friend from elementary school. I’ve had a few brief contacts with him as adults, and he seems to still be an okay guy. We always say we’re gonna keep in touch, and then never do.
Pierre, patron: I’m still playing Final Fantasy XIV, casually for sure, but enjoying it. I also decided it was time to go back to some really good games I’d been waiting for when they launched and never managed to finish. Two of them have been staring at me contemptuously from my backlog, and I’m intent on finishing them this time, even if it takes me some time: Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch and Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey. Wish me luck in finding them as excellent to play through as they are lengthy.
Bonus question: Oh my… What a terrible question. I’m really ashamed to say there are so many of them… I just want to say how deeply sorry I am to this collective I’ll call Sam; it’s a good name for friends, Sam, isn’t it? And you MOP readers? WRUP this week? Some forsaken friends to confess?