If you played Final Fantasy XI, you either think that Chains of Promathia was a pretty weak expansion pack or you’re wrong. If you never played the game, well… it was a pretty weak expansion pack. It had a good story and some new areas, but it lacked any new jobs or much in the way of new systems, had the story gated behind obnoxious level requirements that made it difficult to access, and generally was lacking in the stuff a lot of people expected from an expansion. And it was priced like a full new expansion.
That’s not to say it was terrible or had nothing to go for it (as I said, the story was actually good, for starters). It’s certainly the expansion I least wish I had purchased, but it’s quite possible that there are paid expansions out there that had even less substance or were even less substantial (looking at you, Standing Stone Games). So what do you think was the worst content addition for an MMO that cost money, whether it be a full expansion or by any other name?