Brazilian police have arrested a suspect in the murder of an Overwatch voice actress


PC Gamer is reporting the shocking news that Brazilian voice actress Christiane Louise has been murdered and that police have now arrested the suspected killer.

Christiane Louise would be best known to our audience for her role as the Portuguese-language version of Mercy in Overwatch, but the site also notes that she had roles in Halo, League of Legends, Bayonetta, and “dozens” of other titles.

The suspect in custody has apparently confessed to the crime, saying he thought she was “possessed by the devil”; his mother is also suspected of helping him cover up the crime.

“Our deepest condolences and sympathy to her family and friends- and shared sadness with the millions of fans who connected with so many games and media through her talent and ability,” former Halo franchise development director Frank O’Connor tweeted. Our condolences extend to Christiane’s friends, family, and fans.

Source: O Globo via PC Gamer. Thanks, Onyx.
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