1. Do you like ham?
a. Yes, I enjoy ham.
b. I like ham more than the usual amount
c. I like ham less than the usual amount.
d. I do not like ham.
e. Ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham ham.
f. Two words for you, buckaroo: Pork. Chops.
g. What Are You Playing.
h. Banana
i. Banana ham
j. Pineapple ham
k. Ham with banana and pineapple, top that.
l. Mayonnaise, mayonnaise, ham, mayonnaise.
m. Spam.
n. I like ham less than is creepy but more than those filthy dabblers who answered with “b.” I held out. I knew that eventually you would ask for a real answer, and I seized my moment right here. The line must be drawn here and no further.
o. My tooth hurts. Am I going to die?
Scoring: Oh, you know.
Bonus question: How often do you read a book?
Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): Pokemon Go because I love the Sword and Shield mascots and we got the 80m spin/gym distance back, Pokemon Unite to prep for Blastoise’s September 1st arrival, Monster Hunter Stories 2 for helping my friend and slowly leveling some new monsties, and maybe hit up Monster Hunter Rise for the Akuma/Street Fighter event.
Honestly, I don’t read a lot of physical books these days, and the ones I do tend to be research-based, so I’ll take out a chapter or two. Sometimes I read a bit for writing purposes, like parts of Far from the Maddening Crowd to get examples of authentic late 1800s dialogue. But outside of games and pop culture, a lot of my reading is government docs and peer-reviewed science stuff.
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Won’t be playing this weekend – family in town. Might get to a mobile game if I’m lucky. I had my finger on the trigger for Lord of the Rings Online and/or another The Sims 4 expansion yesterday, though, so we’ll see if I’m still feeling that next week.
Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): I am mostly going to be doing a single-player palate cleanse, but I do have monster hunting on the brain, which means a look into Dauntless and a potential return to Monster Hunter Rise. I suspect the former will be more successful than the latter owing to the ease of finding people to play with in Dauntless.
I have not read a book recently in a while. I really should correct that, but I also haven’t found any good books to read. I’m kind of wanting some more upbeat and fun sci-fi but the perception is that almost all books of that genre are dystopian as hell. Which sucks.
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): School is starting up again, so this weekend will mostly be a weekend of relaxing to ease back into things with a small arrangement of Final Fantasy XIV just to keep things moving.
Honestly, it’s been a little bit since I read a good book, but my house is filled with them and usually I have at least one or two I’m working on at any given moment. Especially now that the school year is starting up again, it’s past time for me to get back in my usual morning habit of reading a bit before heading off to work.
Sam Kash (@thesamkash): I’ve got a pretty busy schedule going up this weekend and extending into the week as well so there is going to be very little game time and probably no MMO time. Couple of weeks ago I finished Moonlighter and I noticed Microsoft added Hades which got a lot of good press. My one hour of play hasn’t sold me on the game as a whole. I’m just not sure I’m in the mood for another random-dungeon-death-and-repeat-while-leveling game (considering that’s almost what Moonlighter was too).
I never read books. I probably haven’t read a book since I graduated. Although I do like audio books if that counts.