While Standing Stone Games might not be calling today’s Lord of the Rings Online update the expansion pre-patch, but… it’s the Fate of Gundabad expansion pre-patch. Update 30.3 arrives on the live servers today with several major features listed under Gundabad’s umbrella.
With the update, players who pre-ordered the expansion can go ahead and roll up the brand-new Brawler class. According to SSG, “Brawlers forgo weapons in favor of Battle-gauntlets and heavy armor, hurling themselves into battle to the benefit of friend and devastation of foe. The main focus for Brawlers is damage, off-tanking, and support.”
Additionally, Update 30.3 trundles out the revamped legendary item system and a consolidated hook approach for the housing system, while also putting an end to weapon swapping in combat and allowing landscape mobs to disarm players (for the most part).
The Fall Festival, with Westmead and the Haunted Burrow, starts back up today as well. Apparently there are no new rewards or content for it this year, but you can catch up on all of the stuff you missed from previous years even so. Here’s a great guide to the event.
It should be noted that many players across several of the game’s servers are reporting massive lag spikes as of late. While SSG acknowledged the issue back on October 6th, well, it’s October 13th and it’s still happening.