As a possible console edition of Lord of the Rings Online tantalized the imaginations of the game’s loyal community, this past week’s launch of Valve’s Steam Deck offered a possible test bed for how the MMORPG might work outside of its native mouse-and-keyboard PC format.
SSG is interested to hear reports of anyone trying this. The game’s community manager wrote on the forums, “I will be curious to see what actual user reports are of people playing LOTRO on the Steam Deck. As people say it seems like it should largely just work as long as you are going the Windows route, although the controls are not ready for console controls without individual adjustment and work. I would imagine the best experience would be with a mouse and keyboard, but it’ll be as good on a controller as it is today on PC.”
In other LOTRO news, the next quarterly producer’s letter is in the works and should be sent out in the upcoming weeks.
Source: LOTRO