The Venn diagram that sees players of War Thunder and people incapable of keeping classified military documents under wraps is merging into a worrying circle. For a third time, a player of the online tank battler has seen fit to use official and classified tank documents to beseech Gaijin Entertainment to change an in-game tank’s stats.
This time the offending player is noted as a crew member of a Chinese Main Battle Tank (MBT), who posted an image on the game’s official forums that featured one of the MBT’s round schematics along with an actual part from the tank in an attempt to get the in-game MBT buffed. War Thunder devs eliminated the offending thread, but not before the image started circulating online – and even getting translated from Chinese to English.
As noted earlier, this is the third time this has happened. The first two instances of this stupidity were in July 2021 (in an attempt to also buff a tank’s in-game stats) and again in October 2021 (in order to win a forum argument). Both stories netted a collective sigh as well as a weird story mention from us that year, but now it looks like we get to add another story onto the pile.