There’s no time of the year that pumpkins take more of a beating than October, but perhaps it wouldn’t happen so much if the squash weren’t trying to stage uprisings every Halloween. This is certainly the case in Aion, as the Pumpkin King is back for another season of terror and mischief.
The Pumpkin King Haunt, which continues through November 9th, challenges players to an unusual boss fight that pits veggie against candy. Players have to equip candy blasts to take down the King — if they can find it in one of specially designated instances. Beat the pumpkin and collect a bundle full of various helpful (and randomized) goodies.
Update 8.4 isn’t just about pum’kins, however: “Two new Empyrean Lords – Yustiel and Lumiel have arrived, and with them come new relics, which players can equip and level up, and players will also be able to fight for them at the Border Bridge battleground.”
Source: Aion, press release