Building a base in No Man’s Sky is important. It’s inspiring. It’s a moment of self-identification. It is complicated, too, because there are a whole lot of base parts and it’s not necessarily super-easy to do from the in-game interface. But fan Charlie Banks has made a standalone app that allows you to easily make a base with snap-together functions and a clear interface for coloring and arranging the various base components as you wish.
Even better is that the app does allow for importing and exporting to and from the game, so you can take the design work you did and pop it directly into the game without having to painstakingly recreate everything you did in the app from blueprints. If this sounds like the sort of thing that you desperately need, you can download the app now; Sean Murray of the development team even promoted and endorsed the tool, so you know it’s something special. He even invoked the very holiest of molies.
holy moly https://t.co/fXes2TUHKa
— Sean Murray (@NoMansSky) November 23, 2022