Christmastime has arrived to ArcheAge by way of the opening of Snowfang Isle, a special location that’s full of holiday cheer and a feature players might remember from last year.
Activities in this year’s version of Snowfang Isle appear to have grown significantly, with several cozy-sounding event quests that involve building a snowman, going fishing with an area-specific penguin pet, collecting firewood, and feeding a panda. As with other events, completing these activities awards an event currency that can be spent on cosmetics, boosts, and more. The holiday island will stay open between now and December 29th.
In other AA news – specifically ArcheAge Unchained – the events and boosts that were on offer at the Stormraw and Arcadian fresh start servers have officially been disengaged, which in turn means these are now regular servers. Players on these servers are being granted a free server transfer ticket, but they only have until December 22nd to claim and use these free tickets; after that, there will be a cost for them.
Lastly, the patch notes for both versions outline a few bug fixes, and the mail storage times for building trade mail storage is seeing some adjustment on December 15th.