Blue Protocol delays Japanese test event a few weeks over unspecified bug


If you were lucky enough to be in the Japanese network test for Blue Protocol this weekend, well, no you’re not. That’s because Bandai Namco had to postpone it as a result of an unspecified but apparently fundamental bug.

“We have been preparing for the network test from January 14, 2023 (Saturday), but it will affect and avoid the test purpose of ‘confirming functions related to servers and networks’. We have confirmed a new problem that is difficult. We are working to fix this problem, but we have determined that it will take time to resolve the issue, so we have decided to postpone the network test. We apologize to everyone who was looking forward to participating in the network test, but we ask for your understanding in order to provide a comfortable gaming environment for everyone when the official service starts. In addition, we would like to apologize again for the fact that the announcement was made just before the issue due to the investigation of the status of the problem and the scope of its impact. We are still working on fixing the bug, so it is difficult to inform you about the test schedule after the change at this time.”

The company says to check back on January 25th for an update on the issue and future testing. The game is intended to launch in Japan this spring.

Of course, you’re reading this on MOP, where most of our readers are anxiously awaiting news on the Amazon-published global edition of the game; we’re not anticipating that launch until the back half of 2023.

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