While Worlds Adrift dropped many balls over the course of its shambolic release, one of its features that was generally beloved by players was the island creator tool, which saw nearly 1,000 worlds crafted by players. And if you were among those who missed building your own little floating realm, then Bossa Studios has good news for you: Its in-development sandbox Lost Skies is bringing the island creator back.
This island creation tool is effectively working off of the base of Worlds Adrift’s tool, though it will obviously have some new features and visuals, as well as new assets on top of some existing assets from the previous creator. The post runs through closer looks at many of these features like new textures and placeable items, the ability to place different biome features on one island, and granular touches like options to change grass height and how it’s affected by the wind, shaders to add weathering and moss, and even an ivy generator. The post also offers side-by-side comparisons of on older player-made Worlds Adrift island rebuilt in the new Lost Skies tool.
Details on when this island creation tool will be available aren’t given, but this very detailed look from Bossa Studios confirms the PvE sandbox will indeed have a very popular feature coming back.