Big news for Albion Online fans today: The game is set to get a new weapon line, a staff-centric line called Shapeshifter Staffs.
“For the first time in Albion Online, players will be able to transform into entirely different beings called Shapes,” Sandbox Interactive’s Robin Henkys says from atop the comfy chair in the game’s new video. “This ability offers players equipped with a Shapeshifter Staff an entirely new level of versatility as they can switch back and forth between their human and their weapon shape, which significantly affects their capabilities.”
Human form includes a range of damage, disruption, and support skills that build a new resource called shift charges, which when accrued allow players to shift into the morph associated with the staff they’re using: bear, ent, werewolf, golem, imp, panther, and eagle.
The video is short, but it includes plenty of footage of shifters swapping between damage and tanking forms.