Elder Scrolls Online riles up players with Update 39’s endeavor changes


Following June’s release of Elder Scrolls Online’s Necrom chapter, the MMO’s dev team is turning to quality-of-life improvements for the upcoming Update 39. And while this patch, which just went onto the test server, looks to have many welcome improvements, some changes to the existing daily and weekly endeavor system has players steaming.

While ZeniMax said that it is adding “multiple new endeavor types” to give players more options to earn seals, testers actually found the opposite, with fewer open-ended objectives and far more grindy goals. Others noted that the revised endeavor charts were “disappointingly DLC heavy,” putting non-purchasers at a disadvantage.

“Instead of getting your endeavor seals for doing one dungeon as a daily, you will now have to do a specific dungeon, like BC1 or Fang Lair. Same with trials or other activities,” said one Redditor. “So instead of giving us more options to get seals, they are limiting our dailies to very specific targets. This is underwhelming.”

This is a big deal, as endeavors award seals which can then be used to purchase crown crate items.

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