Overwatch 2 discusses penalties for leavers and changes to communication between players

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What’s the biggest problem that Overwatch 2 has at the moment? Wait, sorry, a lot of hands went up with that question. What’s the biggest problem that Overwatch 2 has that the developers are actually going to put any effort into fixing? Apparently it’s people leaving matches just to be jerks. The latest Defense Matrix article (a semi-regular feature about improving safety and the game’s culture) is all about leavers, people who just jump out of a match and thus make things harder because people who join partway in didn’t start from the beginning and haven’t built up their Ultimate.

The article discusses incoming queue restrictions, which will slow down queue times for people who leave four of their last 20 games. The idea is people who have to leave in an emergency or because of connection issues won’t be penalized, but those who leave maliciously will face extended queue times. It also discusses changes to default chat modes to prioritize pings, with voice chat and text chat both being moved to inactive by default. Check out the whole article if you started shaking your fist at the mention of those darn dirty leavers.

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