It’s been a long, strange, and litigious journey for Myth of Empires — but its biggest woes may be behind it now. The MMO sandbox announced this week that it’s heading back to Steam after being delisted for the better part of two years due to copyright concerns.
The trouble started shortly after the game’s early access release in the latter months of 2021. Snail and Studio Wildcard urged Steam to take down the game due to claims that its devs had stolen ARK: Survival Evolved’s code to use in Myth of Empires. Cue a two-year tussle over this in the courts, and the end result is a resolved lawsuit, a business partnership, and a resumption of the game’s presence and future sales on Valve’s platform.
The studio projected excitement for its 2024 plans with its 1.0 launch, saying, “There is a lot of content that you haven’t seen yet — we believe you’ll be pleasantly surprised by what we have to offer in the next year!”