You set a researcher to work in EverQuest II, but because of a totally innocent could-happen-to-anyone mistake, you wound up sending her to research “Centipedes Crawling Into Your Mouth” instead of “Sword Guns That Fire Swords,” which was the one you actually wanted. Fortunately, the newest patch for the game allows you to cancel research from researchers you have doing research, so you don’t have to finish researching the centipede thing. Unless that’s secretly what you wanted. The new patch has a variety of quality-of-life fixes, that’s the big thing.
A number of items now correctly require access to The Shadow Odyssey expansion, and some purple adornments have had their stat growth fixed. That’s in addition to class balance tweaks, a number of quests, tradeskill improvements, and so forth. Check out the full patch note to learn everything that’s going live with the patch today, although you will have to live without learning much of anything about centipedes.