On Monday, we covered an emerging fiasco happening over in the Valheim community: The game’s Discord and multiple developer Discord accounts had been hacked, leading to the implosion of the Discord and its replacement by the hacker or hackers, who proceeded to fill it with disinformation, racism, porn, and malicious links that caught many more people in a wave of phishing and malware. Along the way, multiple Iron Gate devs confirmed that the hack was indeed ongoing and that they were working with Discord to sort it out.
The good news here on Wednesday morning is that the Discord server is back up and partially restored – at least, its memberbase appears to be restored. We can’t say the same for the channels and last several years of content and shared knowledge, all of which was worth far more to the industry than a few days of inconvenience – one more reason that Discord isn’t ideal for video game communities on this scale.
“As I’m sure none of you have missed, this server was the victim of some hackers the other night,” Iron Gate CM Montilyet told fans this morning. “They should all have been rooted out by now, but they did unfortunately delete essentially all the public channels in the server. We’ll be working on restoring everything, and we thank you for your patience in the meantime. Please remember to not click any links unless you are 100% sure that they’re legit! We always communicate on multiple platforms, so if you see any announcement links in here it’s always a good idea to check our other platforms as well to make sure that the links have been shared there as well. Thank you again for your patience, and thanks to everyone who have sent us a kind word during all of this.”