Today, March 16th, is the day when EverQuest first launched in 1999, and 25 years later this elder statesman of our genre is still going strong. That means it’s time to celebrate with goodies and data, which are two of Bree’s favorite things (the third is probably chocolate).
The infographic below has plenty of fun trivia to share, like the fact that over 5,000 centuries’ worth of EQ has been played in total, or that Humans are the most popular race, or that Warrior is the most played class. Those last two stat lines are definitely indicative of just why classics are classic, and fans can read through more after the cut.
Starting today, all players can enjoy 50% XP boosts, snap up a silver crown head item, and take up new and returning anniversary quests, while subscribers can also snag themselves a torch ornament, a level 100 character boost, and an XP-boosting Goblet of Adventure.
In tangential EQ news, Darkpaw publisher Enad Global 7 has named a new member to its board of directors: Ebba Ljungerud, who was formerly the CEO of Paradox Interactive. Make of that what you will.