Survival sandbox Myth of Empires continues to be a show-not-tell mood with regards to its upcoming Ancient Greece DLC, as Angela Game has put forth yet another preview of things that players will be able to build and craft once it releases.
This sneak peek once again highlights the furnace building that was among the game’s last previews, but also shows off an advanced weapon forge, which will allow for multiple crafts to be queued within it for increased efficiency.
Another structure that the DLC will offer is a Brazen Bull, which will work a bit differently than the torture device of the same name in that it won’t kill NPCs stuffed inside so much as subdue them. Finally, a sword and shield were previewed, both of which were described as light pieces that allow for some fast attacks.
The preview closes with word that the Greece DLC pack is scheduled to arrive sometime in July of this year, meaning there will still be some time to pass until then, along with the potential for more peeks like this one.