WRUP: The standard model of Mario edition


In 1985, the first standard model of Mario was published. This model was updated numerous times, primarily in 1989, 1990, 1992, and 2000. To the untrained eye, it may appear that the standard model of Mario is complete. This model has Mario, Mario’s brother (Luigi), Mario’s nemesis (Bowser), Mario’s object of rescue (Peach), Mario’s other object of rescue (Toadstool), Mario’s mount (Yoshi), Mario’s evil doppelganger (Wario), and Mario’s evil doppelganger’s brother (Waluigi). However, this understanding of the model is inherently incorrect.

To start with, Wario and Waluigi are not simply other portions of the standard model of Mario; they are an explicit phase change. The existence of Wario and Waluigi implies an evil doppelganger for Peach, Toadstool, and Yoshi, as well as a good doppelganger of Bowser. This further includes the seven alternate-morality Koopalings as well as the good version of Bowser Jr.

But scholars are further split on a basic concept: Is Waluigi the inverted-polarity version of Luigi? While early material suggested that he was Wario’s brother, later signs are ambiguous. It’s possible that he is, in fact, simply Wario’s compatriot and friend. This would mean that the inverted-polarity version of Luigi is still unknown and that a positive-polarity version of Waluigi should also be included in the standard model. Moreover, a special understanding must be included for Birdo, who –

Wait, come back! I have so much more to say, What Are You Playing! Peach and Daisy are girlfriends! Will that get you to come back! Aw, nerts.

Bonus question: What’s the worst food choice your parents inflicted upon you growing up?

​Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): Still puppy times, so when I can game, it’ll probably be an exercise game and largely passively, aside from item management.

There were so many food sins in my childhood home, mostly because dad insisted on cooking meat and… well, anyone else had to peel a hot dog like a banana to get to something edible? But the worst was probably orange soda and milk. My parents called it a “milk shake” and for maybe 6 or 7 years I never wanted a milkshake.

Andy McAdams: I’ve got more meatspace stuff this weekend so not as much time for gaming as I’d like. But I’m still playing V Rising and I wandered back into Final Fantasy XIV because I wanted to play a class that felt intentionally constructed, countering my brief foray back into EverQuest II.

I would say mashed potatoes. Coming from an Irish family, potatoes were a staple at least once a day if not more. So it was a pure volume thing, once I became an adult and took a decade off of mashed potatoes I love them again.

Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Realistically, nothing. I’m super busy this week. Might get to log into Lord of the Rings Online, though!

Probably the time I told my mom I was gonna puke up peas, and then she made me eat more anyway, and then I puked up those peas.

Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): Most of my weekend is probably going to be spent in The Elder Scrolls Online in order to perhaps get through some more story and maybe earn a level or two. Past that, I don’t really know what I’ve got planned, if anything. Maybe a nap. Yeah, a nap would be nice.

Eggplant. Nothing about eggplants are enjoyable but I was forced to eat some roasted eggplant anyway. It was probably one of the worst things I experienced, not to mention that it made my mouth itchy, which made my parents worry that I’ve got an allergy to them somehow. I’ve not bothered to test those waters again, though, primarily because I don’t know if I am allergic or just averse.

Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): I’ve got some FFXIV to play, a review game on deck, and an ongoing writing project to finish up. Also I just recently found out about some Mega Man fan games I might want to check out, so that’s going on the list.

My mother liked to broil hamburgers. Yes, broil. In the oven. That has to be some kind of sin. It’s like taking all of the worst aspects of well-done beef and making all of them substantially worst, resulting in burgers that taste like dried cotton balls with a helping of flavorless American cheese. Truly horrifying.

Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): I’m still cruising through Pandaria in World of Warcraft and should hit level 70 over the weekend and continue on to do all of the zone quests. I’m also trying to build up momentum for my LOTRO Captain to power through Corsairs of Umbar.

Sam Kash (@thesamkash): I’m all in on Multiversus being back. The move sets and game plays pretty much exactly like before, but the new UI and PvE mode really have changed a ton. Not to mention they did some weird things with perks that I haven’t nailed down yet

Bonus: There’s a middle eastern dish with rice, lentils, green beans, and ground beef. Never a loves):

Tyler Edwards (blog): More Pandaria remix for me. Starting to run out of gas with it a bit, but I might as well keep at it until my sub runs out in a few weeks. I’ll also probably duck into New World for the double weapon XP. Wish I’d known this was coming when I did all that weapon grinding a few weeks ago, but there’s still a few I could work on. And the siren song of Heroes of the Storm has been calling again, so I might hop on that and stomp some faces with D.Va.

Every Saturday, join the Massively OP community and staff for What Are You Playing, our roundup of what MMORPGs and other games we’re hoping to play this weekend (with a bonus question or two for our amusement). Tell us what you’re up to! Go off-topic! And don’t forget to have fun!
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