Gameforge and NCsoft have been talking up Aion Classic EU’s Conquest update, and as of today, that 2.8 update has arrived, with a new raid and instance for lategame players, who are getting even more lategame as the level cap has bumped up to 58.
“Apheta Beluslan is a terrifying take on Beluslan, plunging the land into darkness to produce this new region. In this twisted and sinister location, players must battle weirdly mutated creatures, ready to attack everywhere they look. However, two new gameplay skills for each class should also help with this challenge. Players must be level 56 to enter Apheta Beluslan, which offers a serious end-game challenge for those who want to reach level 58; the new max level cap also introduced with this Conquest update.”
The patch also adds two new skills to every class, the Phaestos’ Disc dungeon, more characters per account, and new crafting content.
My favorite part of this patch is the classic-style 40-page patch notes PDF. Back when I first started at Massively over 14 years ago, I was tasked with transcribing and reformatting one of these monstrosities for an Aion article. I swear our editor back then was just trying to see whether I’d do it. (And I did! It took me hours!) Anyway, this kinda stuff throws me back. Love it.
There’s a trailer too!