Elite Dangerous confirms next update for October 22 as it answers questions about ‘Powerplay 2.0’


Hot on the heels of its Type-8 Update (or at least as hot on those heels as far as Frontier Developments’ update cadence is concerned) will be the next content addition to Elite: Dangerous, which will be bringing a revamp to the game’s powerplay system as well as the new Mandalay ship, and now fans have learned about when this update is scheduled to land: Tuesday, October 22nd.

The announcement was made during the monthly Frontier Unlocked livestream, which primarily took a closer look at the Mandalay ship in terms of its capabilities during the E:D segment of the wider studio broadcast, which noted the internet spaceship’s maneuverability as well as its impressive jump range.

Before then, the studio answered several select questions about the patch’s “Powerplay 2.0” feature revamp, which was later expanded on in a separate dev post. The Q&A confirmed how powerplay-related modules can all be unlocked regardless of faction alignment (just the order in which they unlock will be different from group to group), discussed how players can keep themselves unplugged from the system if they choose, and provided a general idea of how influence will affect systems, among other details.

sources: YouTube (1, 2), official site, thanks to Colin for the tip!
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