Star Wars: The Old Republic game director Eric Musco has some fresh details about the game’s incoming Game Update 7.6: Galactic Threads patch – specifically, a couple of the gameplay features that will be headed for the public test server soon.
One of the first playable things will be the new eight-person lair boss encounter against the Propagator Core XR-53, a titanic robot on Ilum that’s got some crossed wires that players can solve only through violence. Broadsword says it’s holding back some details in order to let players discover how to best this fight themselves.
Another major piece of the PTS build will be focused on dynamic events, a new system that will spawn random missions on planetary surfaces such as fighting invading Imperials or saving a band’s gear from womp rats. These missions will primarily be found on Tatooine and Hoth for the PTS round.
More details on what else GU 7.6 will bring will be shared in a developer livestream coming this November, while information about the PTS will arrive next week. Until then, the embedded video offers a glimpse at some of what the test server is offering.