Aion Classic EU brings new level cap, new zones, and the Brawler class November 27


It’s always a fun time when an MMO class is so furious and battle-hungry that it decides to use its fists and feet to attack monsters instead of more practical martial weapons. Soon that level of agility and rage will be accessible to players of Aion Classic EU, which will be bringing back the Brawler class on Wednesday, November 27th.

“The Brawler is a highly agile, fast-striking melee fighter who begins their journey as a Martial Artist. Wielding the class-exclusive, one-handed Dragon Claws, they combine strength, agility, and the power of Qi to unleash devastating attacks in solo combat. With a focus on quick and punishing combos and powerful finishing moves, the Brawler excels in fast-paced, high-damage battles. As players build Qi, they can enter an awakened state, enabling them to unleash enhanced abilities for a limited time.”

While the Brawler class’ arrival is the highlight of the update, there will be plenty of other additions as well, including a new level cap of 60, the new world zone of Laphsaran that houses a new world raid, the Dranium Battlefield PvP instance that offers 1v1 or 6v6 battles, and a new hairstyle wardrobe system that lets players easily change their hairstyles. So not only can your new Brawler look dangerous, they can also look fashionable as they beat on some fools.

source: press release
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