Fractured has officially launched its first season – and it’s free-to-play now, too


It’s patch day for Kickstarted MMORPG sandbox Fractured Online, and this isn’t just any patch: This is the game’s free-to-play relaunch.

“[W]e are officially FREE TO PLAY, and we are LIVE again!” Dynamight Studios says. “All players who bought the game have just received 1 MONTH OF FREE VIP TIME to be activated when they want! Players with Lifetime VIP have instead received 3750 Dynamight Tokens.”

The associated update is headlined by the game’s first season, which offers different types of rewards depending on what players do for themselves and for their guilds over the course of the season, including questing, toppling fortresses, god trials, and crafting artifacts. And yes, the alliance system is also new in this patch, allowing guilds to band together for safety and communications.

Do note that while the game has added seasons, there’s no battle pass. All players, including F2P players, can participate in the season and rack up rewards; subscription players just get additional rewards.

“Please note that every player can take part in a season – no ‘battle pass’ or anything of the sort is required,” Dynamight reminds players. “The only difference between a free account and a VIP account is that the latter gets an additional rewards track.”

Source: Discord, official site. Thanks, Padre!
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