“Ready to hit 2025 with everything you got and just get through it” – that’s Inflexion Games’ Aaryn Flynn take on his attitude for the upcoming year in the latest Nightingale video, and it’s pretty clear from the look on his face he’s talking less about the game and more about, you know, the world, because the game really is trucking forward.
Initially, Flynn and art director Neil Thompson touch on what’s coming in Nightingale’s immediate future: enhanced building features for floating objects, improvements to augments, the Danu visibility bug fix, and the Unreal 5.4 engine upgrade.
“You may see some performance improvements with this,” Flynn says, noting that some test machines are seeing some while others are seeing about the same as before – at least there are no “regressions.” Expect that patch next week after a stint on the PTR.
Following that update, the devs are preparing for the game’s first anniversary update, which will include dyes and customization for outfits and the Western-themed tileset and clothes.
News on Nightingale City will apparently be coming in future updates.